Midowga Afrika ayaa markii ugu horeysay soo faragelisay Kiiska Dacwadda Badda ee Somalia iyo Kenya, kadib markii ay dacwad u qortay dalka Kenya, waxaana qoraal ay maanta soo saareen Golaha Nabadda iyo Amniga Midowga Afrika ay ku baaqeen in arrintan lagu dhameeyo si saaxiibtinimo ah.
Qoraalka Golaha Nabadda iyo Amniga Midowga Afirka ayaa ka danbeeyay kulan ay la yeesheen Wasiiru dowlaha arrimaha dibadda Somalia iyo Wakiilka Kenya u fadhiga Midowga Afrika ayaa loogu yeeray dalalka Somalia iyo Kenya inay arrintan ku dhammeeyaan dariiq saaxiibtinimo oo ku dhisan oo xal waara loogu helo murankooda Xuduudka Badda, waxaana sidoo kale looga dalbaday inay ka waantoobaan tallaabo kasta oo xumeyn karta xiriirkooda dernimo.
Guddoomiyaha Midowga Afrika ayuu Golaha ugu baaqay inuu si toos ah arrintan ula socdo ama ergey gaara u magacaabo, iyadoo Golaha Amniga Midowga Afrika uu joogto arrintan ula socon doono, waxaana qoraalka lagu caddeeyay in la-talin sharci sameeyeen golaha.
Tallaabadan ayaa Midowga Afrika ka dhigeysa inuu si toos ah ula saftay Dowladda Kenya oo dooneysay inuu soo dhex galo muranka ka dhashay xuduudka Badda ee Kenya ay sheegatay, waxaana dowladda Somalia ay Golaha Nabadda iyo Amniga u dirtay Khamiistii hore Wasiiru dowlaha Arrimaha Dibadda Somalia, iyadoo aan la ogeyn waxa ku kalifay arrintan.
Adopted by the Peace and Security Council during its 873rd meeting held on 5 September 2019 on the maritime boundary dispute between the Federal Republic of Somalia and the Republic of Kenya.
The Peace and Security Council,
Noting the statement made by the Acting Director for Peace and Security on behalf of the Commissioner for Peace and Security, Ambassador Smail Chergui, as well as the presentations made by the State Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Honourable Abdulkadir Ahmed-Kheir Abdi of the Federal Republic of Somalia, and by H.E. Ambassador Catherine Mwangi, Permanent Representative of Kenya to the AU;
Recalling the relevant provisions of the AU Constitutive Act and the PSC Protocol relating to good neighbourliness and promotion of peace, security and stability in the Continent, notably through the promotion of African solutions to African problems, including the use of the AU Border Programme.
Acting under Article 7 of its Protocol, the Peace and Security Council:
1. Takes note of the legal opinion provided by the AU Legal Counsel on questions raised by the PSC in relation to the case concerning the maritime boundary dispute between the Federal Republic of Somalia and the Republic of Kenya, which is now before the International Court of Justice (ICJ);
2. Commends the Federal Republic of Somalia and the Republic of Kenya for their contribution to the promotion of peace, security and stability in Africa, in particular in the Horn of Africa;
3. Strongly calls on the Federal Republic of Somalia and the Republic of Kenya to pursue and intensify their engagements with a view to finding an amicable and sustainable solution to their maritime boundary dispute; in this regard, calls upon the parties to refrain from any action that may threaten the existing good neighbourliness between the two countries;
4. Requests the Chairperson of the AU Commission to urgently make use of his good offices, either personally or through the appointment of a special envoy to engage with the parties towards finding an amicable and sustainable settlement, in consultation and collaboration with the relevant regional mechanisms;
5. Also requests the Chairperson of the AU Commission to regularly report to Council on his efforts and the evolution of the situation;
6. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.